Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Cell phones and cancer - there's not a link?

By now everyone is probably familiar with the statement issued by the  International Agency for Research on Cancer, the cancer arm of the World Health Organization, suggesting a link between the type of electromagnetic radiation found in cellphones and cancer. 

WHO Panel Connects Potential Cancer Cause to Cellphone Use

I'm not too worried about it yet - it may be bad for me, but it probably doesn't cause cancer. I'll let Orac at Respectful Insolence and Science Blogs explain why. (Here's his about page.)

The bride of the son of the revenge of cell phones and cancer rises from the grave...again

Quoting from his post above on the potential link between cell phones and cancer:
I've caught some flak before over things I've written about the almost certainly nonexistent link between cell phones and cancer.
That "nonexistent link" pretty much sums up his view, and then backs it up with a brief analysis of the existing science which explains why he says the link in nonexistent.

The physics of cell phones and cancer:
Even accounting for the newer, richer, and more complex understanding of carcinogenesis that has emerged over the last decade, I still have to concede that, from a strictly physical, physics- and biology-based perspective, given the low energy emitted by cell phones, the chances that they can do anything to cells that would result in cancer are vanishingly small... 
There are a lot of problems with the claim that cell phones cause cancer, not the least of which is that the science and epidemiology just don't support it. 
He explains pretty clearly why this is a non-issue. We've got plenty of things to worry about to say healthy, but cellphones and cancer probably isn't one of them. 

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