Friday, July 9, 2010

An Easy Way to Blog

Many business owners (and individuals) have much to say and would be simply marvelous bloggers, but are intimidated by the perceived technical expertise needed to produce a blog.

That's really not a valid excuse for not expressing yourself on the Internet with tools like Posterus. By setting up an account with Posterous anyone can create a blog and post to their blog simply by writing emails. It really doesn't get much easier than that. Cutting and pasting inserts photos, video and pretty much any type of image we can cut and paste.

And it seems to be catching on!

Posterous Growing At More Than 700 Percent a Year

If you think you have something to say but haven't figured out how to say it, visit Posterous and give it a shot! I have a personal blog at MHBoys Posterous Blog

Visit On-Site Technical Solutions for information on how you can move to Google Apps or other Cloud Computing applications. We can also help you with your mobile computing. You should follow us on Twitter here. Call or text me at 949-212-2168.


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