Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sharing in Google Docs

Google Docs is a very easy way to share documents over the Internet. It's part of Google Apps Premier, and On-Site Technical Solutions and our customers keep finding new ways to use it.

Documents can be shared with security levels or be open to the entire Internet.

It doesn't hurt that Google keeps adding functionality to the process. Google Apps is usually the first step to Cloud Computing for our customers. Once we're in the Cloud for mail, calendar  and document sharing, the next step is usually CRM (managing customers) or a business-specific application and then the accounting/finance process.

Here's a recent Google video on sharing in Google Docs.


Visit On-Site Technical Solutions for information on how you can move to Google Apps or other Cloud Computing applications. We can also help you with your mobile computing. You should follow us on Twitter here. Call or text me at 949-212-2168.


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