Thursday, July 8, 2010

Even More Social Media Resources (22 You May Have Missed)

Everyone is at least a bit overwhelmed by the glut of technology and especially the glut in the social media markets. Most people reading this blog probably have at least a Facebook account and maybe Twitter, too. 

One of the risks of getting involved in social media, especially from a business perspective, is that it becomes a black hole for unprofitable time. It's always best to make sure the business has specific goals in mind and has a way to make them measurable.

Having said that, if we're involved in social media it makes sense to ensure that we're using the tools that are the best fit for our unique usage. That takes some research and keeping up with at least some of the tools that keep coming out.

To that end, here, from Mashable!, are

22 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed

from the 4th of July weekend. But don't let this research turn into an unprofitable black hole!

Visit On-Site Technical Solutions for information on how you can move to Google Apps or other Cloud Computing applications. We can also help you with your mobile computing. You should follow us on Twitter here. Call or text me at 949-212-2168.


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