Tuesday, July 13, 2010

More competition for the iPad later this year?

It looks like Research in Motion  is going to be coming out with a Blackberry tablet later this year.

From The Register:
More details are emerging about Research in Motion's long-rumored BlackBerry tablet: it will have a seven-inch display, both back- and front-facing cameras, and will support hardware-accelerated Adobe Flash.
I don't claim to understand Apple's hatred of Flash, but if I have a choice between a tablet that supports it and one that doesn't, I'll take the one that supports it. Especially if it's less expensive!

Here are links to articles on the rumored Blackberry tablet.

BlackBerry tablet to trump iPad with Flash, videoconferencing
Blackberry Tablet confirmed, will support Flash
RIM Testing BlackBerry Tablet, Touchscreen Slider Phone, Says WSJ
Blackberry Tablet information leaked, no release date

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