Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Anti-climax: The iPhone to Verizon

To those of you living in a cave who weren't prepared for the announcement today, the iPhone is coming to Verizon early next month. This ends five years of exclusivity for the iPhone on the ATT network. 

I loved the headline on this following post and it talks about some of the network concerns Verizon may have about expectations for its network in the next couple of years.  

Can the iPhone bring down Verizon the way it did AT&T?

From CNET, here is Everything you need to know about the Verizon iPhone (FAQ) including technical information on the phone and how and when to switch from a current carrier. 

Here is ZDNET analyzing a predicted negative impact of the iPhone at Verizon on the Blackberry. This post also mentions the advantage Android will have with the Verizon iPhone not being on the new 4G LTE platform.  Verizon iPhone, LTE Androids: Dark Clouds Ahead for RIM's BlackBerry?

And here is probably the best recommendation in this post from SFGate: Wait until June for a new iPhone (from either carrier) unless you really need a new phone right now. 

Because Apple will probably announce a new iPhone in June, as it has for the last several years. It will likely be faster, include some new features, and may even support Verizon's faster 4G network. And then the existing iPhone 4 price tag will probably drop by $100.
Then you'll be happy you didn't sign a 2-year contract for a 6-month old phone, when a new phone is about to launch in 5 months.

Don't Buy The Verizon iPhone Yet, Unless You NEED A New Phone ASAP

One last note: CNET conducted the following speed test at the Verizon announcement and Verizon won. Of course, I can find countless spots where ATT would be quicker than Verizon, including Verizon dead spots, so don't use this as any kind of final word! 

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